Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I Just Witnessed A Miracle

Psalm 139:13-14

For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Last night I witnessed the most incredible sight anyone could observe, the miracle of life! I knew my friend was in labor and that she would bring forth life soon so I decided to go visit her at the hospital. My thoughts were to go for about half hour and then return home. As I drove, a thirty minute journey I found myself in a construction circle that put me back on the highway going in the wrong direction. I could see the hospital but I could not get off the exit. So, I drove frustrated as I was, back toward home. "Lord, how could I get lost?" My options were to continue home or turn back and drive another 20 minutes in the opposite direction again. I was tired, but was compelled to finish my trip and make my hospital visit; so back down the highway I drove.

When I get to the hospital, my other friend, Shari was also visiting. We see "mommy" she is ready! The nurses arrive to let my friend and I know that we are now the "coaches" for this delivery. Coaches? Hey we did not sign up for this; we laughed and said, "ok, let's see how the night goes, but, we can't stay too late". So as the evening progresses so does the miracle of life. My friend Jasmin is so calm, nothing like those movies we see where the mommy-to-be is screaming. Oh, hmmm, ...I think that was me thirty years ago :)

What an incredible night! A little before 9PM, a little girl emerges on the scene, beautiful, perfect, breathing, flawless and singing a beautiful "song" to let the world know she has arrived. Knit together in her mother's womb; fearfully and wonderfully made by God! What a vision, what a wonder!

I am so glad I turned around and decided to go back to the hospital. I would have missed this marvelous testimony of my Creator God; the ability he has given us to be partaker's in his creative work of another life!

Jasmin & Chris, congratulations on the birth of your baby girl!

By the way, she is my "God-daughter", with middle name Elizabeth! Well, Elizabeth, just as your name says....may your life be pledged to God all the days of your life and may your heart search for the riches of the Lord; may you serve Him all the days of your life, acknowledging him in all your ways. I pray that out of those perfectly formed lips, that praise would rise affecting every "hearer" in your vicinity; pointing them to the Creator that made you! God is Awesome! I am inspired!

God bless you!~Liz

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