Monday, August 30, 2021

It's Loud!

I’ve been thinking a lot about life’s hurdles and opposition. Sometimes my mind’s thoughts can 
be so strong and shadow the TRUTH that I know!
I use the word shadow and was very careful. Lies can’t obscure God’s Truth. Oh, for a short time it may not seem clear but as I pursue God there is an unveiling that occurs. 

Praise the Living God who is constantly reminding me of His Word. He is a lamp unto my feet and my source of life, direction, and victory!

Who is my enemy? Sometimes the enemy has a face and that’s all I see. But there is more! “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” (Ephesians 6:12)

A couple of nights ago I was reading a Psalm in God's Word and though I was struggling I kept saying, “I don't have an enemy chasing me like the psalmist wrote about.” Then the Spirit of God who teaches me all things and speaks to me as I am quiet reminded me the source of the fight, of the stress, all the troubles of this world stem from one source.

From the beginning of time the enemy of my soul has brought confusion and especially doubt. Once we begin to entertain what God says we are about to tread on shaky ground. Go back to Genesis and see what happened to Adam and Eve.

We have 66 books that God has left us as a resource for this life. Skim through the pages and sometimes it seems like it's not applicable to us. Perhaps we're not listening and allowing God to remove the veil that at times obscures God's truth.

So, I began to pray not for the thoughts in my mind but against the enemy of my soul who tries to diminish who I am. His suggestive lies sometimes come across as a possibility truth. After all, I might begin to entertain that indeed I am weak. The problem is not the acknowledgement that I am weak. The issue is if I stay there. But, as I open this resource that God has given me I am reminded that when I am weak he is strong. A mighty wind blows and the enemy of my soul is knocked down. I am reminded that he has no authority over me. Take a deeper look. Ask the Holy Spirit to bring back to your remembrance the Word of God that is locked up within you. It’s a comfort and safeguard to me.  It is a threat to Satan!

Therefore, the issue is not our troubles.  Bring it all to the Lord like a little child with your broken pieces.  Drop it on his lap and let him know your need for him.  His Gentleness and Love will scoop us up and begin to whisper his Truth over us.  I am made in his image.  I am loved.  He has filled me with his Spirit.  I am an overcomer.  My purpose is unfolding.  He will return for me.  I am not alone.

“Give us aid against the enemy, for human help is worthless. With God we will gain the victory, and he will trample down our enemies.” (Psalm 60:11-12)

This is not some new revelation. It’s a reminder so we know how to fight. Israel’s problem was a memory issue. They often forget that God chose them out of all the people of the world to be their God. To fight for them and rescue them out of this dark world.

So, like a snow globe that has been shaken, today I have once again been reminded that God is Sovereign and He Reigns.  The image has become clear as his Spirit blows! This is who I am, “a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” (1 Peter 2:9)

There will always be hurdles and opposition. But I don’t run this race alone!

Thank you again Holy Spirit for reminding me who I am!

The lie speaks loud but God's whisper shuts it down!  Feel the breeze of his Spirit!

God bless you!~Liz

Did you hear me, God?

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