Monday, June 24, 2019

I stumbled over the light!

This past Saturday I was at a gathering with my husband. I arrived early because it was a surprise
party for my friend.

As I moved around the beautifully decorated tables I came around some chairs aiming toward the venue’s double doors to place my gift on the table.

In a blink of an eye my foot was caught, and I stumbled over a mood light that was placed on the floor behind one of the chairs. I thought I could catch myself and not fall. But like a slow-moving film I found my hand slipping off the chair and my knees hitting the hardwood floor. And hard indeed it was!

I quickly turned over and just sat on the floor holding my knees. Help quickly came to me as I requested that someone get ice. I was trying to alleviate any swelling on my knees. I have rheumatoid arthritis and I did not want to aggravate my body anymore.

Why tell you this story? I must admit that shortly after I was helped off the floor all I could think about was the scriptures. The Bible speaks about men stumbling over the cornerstone, men not recognizing the Light that has come into the world. “The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it.” (John 1:5)

Moses wondered what was happening to the bush that was on fire but not consumed. The Lord revealed himself to Moses and told him, tell them, “I AM WHO I AM.” (Exodus 3:14)

Abraham chose to be uprooted from what was familiar. He held on to a promise that God would give him a son; the very one he told Abraham to sacrifice. The Lord revealed himself as JEHOVAH-JIRAH, the one who provides.

King David often stumbled and sinned against God but learn to quickly repent and restore his heart to the God he served. “Have mercy on me oh God according to your unfailing love according to your great compassion blot out my transgressions. Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin.“ (Psalm 51:1-2)

Nicodemus, a pharisee who knew the law of God well wondered how he could see the Kingdom of God. Jesus responded to him that he must be born again, born of the Spirit of God.

Humanity has been tripping over the Light since the Fall of Adam and Eve in the garden. 

But from the beginning of time God has chosen to reveal himself, one man at a time. Every heart and soul precious to the creator of all things. “He was in the world and all the world was made through him the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own but his own did not receive him.” (John 1:10-11)

The pride of humanity is deaf to the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He offered his life as a ransom. God himself providing his own son to pay for our own transgressions and iniquities, our own sin against God. But we have rejected him.

We are born and do not look for the Light. We are content walking around in darkness even enjoying our own sinful state. But God whose love is immeasurable continues to put before us this Light that can illuminate our own darkness.

Jesus said, I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12)

Falling on a hardwood floor left me no recourse but to turn over and hold on to my throbbing knees. I asked for help and indeed the ice held off the swelling. Throughout the night my shoulder and wrist also began to reflect the hit that I had encountered. But I am so thankful to the Lord for keeping my bones from shattering or breaking. He has been merciful to me!

Salvation was similar. I indeed tripped over the Light that had come into the world. He found me broken on the floor and came to my aid. I began to recognize that the brokenness was an issue of my heart. Every part of me was affected. Every part of me in need of a healer, a deliver.

He came in his gentleness and saved me. Like a gentle breeze, I heard its sound. I heard the word and believed that God sent his son for me.

I have remnants of my past like the bruise on my knee from this weekend. But I know that the healer has come not only to protect my bones but to the secure my soul for eternity.

Thank you, Lord, for the reminder again that you have come into this dark world to be the Light, that we may no longer have to live in the darkness of sin.

God bless you!~Liz

Friday, June 14, 2019

When Trouble was Calling

The wind is blowing, and I can feel the mist of the ocean on my face. From a distance I hear screaming, a command to stop! The voice got my attention. A little boy about 2 years old running innocently after a blue ball that was bouncing openly into the waves. The ocean pulled at it as the little boy ran after it.

I began to yell myself, “no!”, “stop!”. I left my husband on the shoreline as I ran to intersect toward this little life before imminent danger arrived first.

Behind this little boy was a relative with fully loaded arms also running behind him. But this little boy was oblivious of the threat. She makes it to him before I arrive but not without a cost.

They must have been packing to leave the beach. In her arms she carried flip flops, clothing, and other valuable property including her cell phone. As she ran into the dangerous waters that was luring this little boy, she lost her footing. Her sandals are now floating in the water being rocked by every wave. She managed to keep most of her belongings in her arms, but the cell phone was forever lost!

The little boy is escorted back to family. I grabbed the flip flops and gave them to her along with the ball. But other family members just stared at the waves hitting the sand knowing that the cell phone was forever lost.

She would have given it all I’m sure just to secure these little boy's safety.

“No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord.” (John 10:18) 

These were Jesus’ words.

Jesus knowing full well that it would cost him his life ran after me! He would lose it all! He set aside the privileges of deity and took on flesh. He walked with us, taught us and then died for us. (Philippians 2)

When life’s troubled waters lured me in, he did not hesitate but was willing to lose it all to save my life!

The girl stared at the water knowing that she would never be able to rescue the phone from the depths of the ocean. Nevertheless, her dearest possession was now safe by her side.

Jesus knew he had to finish the work. The anguish of the cross before him and the separation from his Father, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”) could not keep him from rushing in to save me!

This girl, me, will stare at the cross knowing that he paid it all for me! Nothing could keep him from me, and nothing will ever separate me from him. (Romans 8)

Feel the wind of his Spirit!

WALKING ON WATER by Needtobreathe  Song Video

I was sinking like a stone again
I was halfway in the grave and then
I looked up and saw Your face again
You pulled me out of the water, water, water

There's no turning back
Nothing in the past
My eyes on You again
Can't see nothing at all
But Your outstretched arms
Help me believe it
Though I falter
You got me walking on water

Though I falter
You got me walking on water, water, water
You got me walking on water, water, water, water

God bless you!~Liz

Friday, June 7, 2019

Out of the Darkness

Going about 70 miles an hour on the highway last night I heard a faint buzzing sound in the distance.

At first, I second guessed what I heard. But I have keen hearing.

My body went into fight and flight mode. In my head something was in my car that I could not see it. The heartbeat in my chest now competing with the buzzing sound.

What do I do? I am in the dark without any idea where this sound is coming from. Worst yet, what its coming from!

What if this noise maker flies into my face? What if it gets tangled in my hair? What if, what if!

I know the statistics about people losing their lives over an insect flying into their vehicle.

I called on the Lord, “Lord, help me!” I began to talk to myself. Liz, calm down!

I rolled down all my windows and opened the sunroof. It was like a tornado in my car.

Its dark outside and I dare not pull to the side on the highway. That would have been more dangerous.

I began to take deep breaths and command my body not to panic.

Suddenly, the insect flew toward me, or perhaps this wind pulled it into the vortex I had created by the 70 mile per hour winds now in my car.

My peripheral vision and my skin alerted me that this bug had landed on my arm.

I began to swat like my life depended on it. It did!!

I know I hit it, but it came at me again. The devil is a liar!! I swatted again and again never taking my eyes of the road. I was determined to eliminate this threat that came at me in the dark.

Isn’t that just like the lives we live? We are minding our own business and out of the darkness here comes the enemy to cause chaos. We have choices. We either ignore it at the risk of getting stung by its poison. Or we call on the Name of the Lord and cry, “Lord, help me!”

Like a sheep in trouble, my cry gets the attention of the Shephard. “I will fear no evil for you are with me.” (Psalm 23:4)

The Book of Ephesians encourages the believer to “put on the armor of God.”

In the day of trouble. the Lord will instruct us what to do in that hour. Victory has already been won at the cross. These light and momentary troubles are but buzzing noise from the enemy.

I will call on my Father who has a Mighty hand!

Well, last night in the darkness as I battled, my weapon of choice was my arthritic afflicted hand. This flying creature had no chance of surviving!

Thank you, Lord for another victory and allowing me to get home safely.

Be prepared because out of the darkness trouble rises up. But my God is bigger!

“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.” Luke 10:19

That includes flying insects in my car!

God bless you!~Liz

Did you hear me, God?

In this story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, I’m pleased with what God reminded me again today regarding prayer. Zechariah a priest was se...