Yesterday from the corner of my eye I
thought I saw something move on my shower curtain. At
first I thought it was my own strand of hair through the side of my
peripheral vision. When
I got distracted again
I took
a second look to find out it was a fast moving long legged insect.
I don't know where this fear has come
from. I do recall as a young girl my mom being afraid of certain insects and I
believe that that fear became mine as well.
I decided to write about this today in an
effort to confront this unrealistic paralyzing fear. After all, I’m a pretty rational person!
As a life coach I can sit with anyone and
bring them through
step by
step on how to
achieve a certain goal. Today
I am my own client.
This is a deep seated fear
that I've had for decades; entomophobia,
an abnormal and persistent fear of insects. It’s not all insects! I can hold ladybugs, caterpillars, ants, butterflies, lightning bugs, but I can not handle insects that crawl fast have long legs and scurry. Perhaps is the hiding part that really
frightens me. In my mind, I am afraid
that they will surface again and so the cycle begins afresh.
The fear from these small insect caused
me to
stop all
activity and
left me
unproductive for almost an hour yesterday. That's a wasted hour of life!
What else are we afraid off?
There are
hundreds and hundreds of known fears.
Alektorophobia, fear of chickens. Pogonophobia, fear of beards.
Hypochondria, fear of illness. Verminophobia,
fear of germs. Theophobia, an unhealthy
fear of God or religion. And on and on
it goes!
It’s irrational but it feels real!
I know that the Lord can help me. The Scriptures speak about anxiety and all those things that grip us
and cause us to be weighed down. Often a
phobia feels just as real as a true threat.
I will cast my anxiety on the Lord,
because he cares for me. (1 Peter 5:7) I
will present this fear to the Lord, ask him for direction and his peace. I will remain in constant prayer to the one
who is able to help me. I will meditate
on what is true.
For me the anxiety is
rooted in a false perception. I know that
these insects are not on me, chewing on me or causing me death. The fear is the “what if?”
I am asking myself, “what if, what?”
What are you afraid off?
The Lord is my helper, I will not be
afraid. I have begun today with addressing the fear. It already has lost some grip on me just by
my confession.
So what are you afraid off? Realistic or imagined. God is able to help us. Seek help, talk to someone who is qualified
to help you overcome that
which keeps us up at night. Confide in a friend. Put it in your journal. But, begin addressing it today!
Ironically I worked for an exterminating
company for 10 years. Since my job was administrative I never really dealt with
the insects themselves.
We can be in the midst of what we fear
and yet never overcome it. Today, I
choose to face my fear one step at a time.
Chime in and let me know how you have overcome a phobia or how I can pray
for you in your journey.
God bless you!~Liz