Friday, December 30, 2011

Even if some cover their ears | We say goodbye to 2011

Family & Friends,

We have come to the end of another year. Today is the last "Be Inspired" for 2011. I have chosen to share Acts 7. It the entire chapter, take a few moments to read.

I pray for this New Year that is upon us that the Lord would give us plenty of opportunities to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ; that we would not shrink back for time is short. People slip away every day, including our family members and friends.  Even if the crowd closes their ears and refuse to listen to the truth, their might always be one that God will use, one that will respond, be transformed and sent out; Saul was changed to the Apostle Paul. The Lord has a way of reaching men and knocking them of their "high horse" and getting their attention. He did it to me and saved my soul.

Let's share the greatest news ever! There is still time to invite someone to church and begin the New Year in the courts of the Lord.

In all the pain and joy of 2011 the Lord continues to mold me and even you.  Nothing escapes him, he sees it all. Let's hold on, for life goes by quickly; we want to be found standing/bowing in the presence of God, having our ears hear, well done good and faithful servant.

Interesting that the crowd covered their ears after Stephen had shared his testimony and told them the truth that had led them to that point. They heard it but did not receive it.  They chose death over life.

Click & Read Acts 7

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