Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Birthday Betty

Ephesians 6:2-3

“Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise—  “that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”

Today is my little sister's birthday.  Twelve days ago on the 1st of April,  on my birthday she sent me a message that read:
You can't imagine how blessed I feel to have you as my sister. Do you know one memory that I have when I was a little girl? When it was time for us to go to sleep I was afraid of the dark and you would tell me, just pray. This was the prayer. God help me sleep everyday and every night. That prayer has come along way. Here we are 41 years later and I could still
turn to you and say I am scared and you are there to comfort me.

Today I want to to tell you about this special lady.  She is the youngest of three girls. I'm the oldest :) She has the gift of service. She is a giver and her heart is big with love.
Betty, being the youngest in the home was the last to leave my parent's house. She worked side by side with my mom & dad when my brother Moses came along.
I know today is bitter sweet for her because she was my mom's little girl.  A big hole has been left in her heart with the passing of my mom just 8 months ago, and I know today is somewhat painful.

My sister has lived Ephesians 6:2-3, the command that the Lord left us to honor our parents. Now that my dad is alone, she continues to to serve my dad as a good daughter. My other sister & I are available for my dad too, but not like Betty.
So today on your birthday, I want to honor you and let everyone I know, that I am PROUD of YOU! Remember that God is pleased in how you care for our mom and how you continue to care for our dad. We understand that our hope is in the fact, that we will see mom again because she anchored to the
promise of God.

So....Happy Birthday little sister!! Enjoy this day.  On this day someone really special was born---that's

Seek the Lord, press into him.  Continue to pray and search him out...he is not far off.

God bless you!~Liz

Did you hear me, God?

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