Friday, October 9, 2015

Filthy Rags

All of us have become like one who is unclean,and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags;
we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the wind our sins sweep us away. (
Isaiah 64:6)

I have a favorite pass-time, drinking coffee.  It's not just any coffee but my favorite is Dunkin' Donuts. 

As I was on my way to church yesterday, I stopped by the drive-thru to get myself a cup.  As I pulled up to the drive-thru window I pulled really close to a "drive-thru" garbage can. 

Now, if you know the voice of the Spirit of God you are aware that he is speaking all the time. So as I reached over to my cup holders to get rid of the old cups and bottles, I heard myself say out loud, "only in America" more like "you got to be kidding".  I mean really, how lazy am I.  Not only did I not get out of the car to purchase my cup of coffee, I did not even get out to get rid of the garbage that had pilled up in  my car.

Okay, I know you are probably wondering what does this have to do Jesus, after all I am a writer inspired by His Word. Follow me.

How long do we hold on to sin; looking for the right time; a convenient time to release it.  We have issues, we have sinned against God but we refuse to let it go.  We convince ourselves that either it was not our fault or that we have to some how work it through in our minds before we can make a confession to the Lord.   We can't enjoy the present moment because it is contaminated by yesterday's sin.  We can't worship, we can't read His Word, we can't, we can't and we can't. We act as if we have the ability to clean ourselves up.

Don't we want to be free?

Like cups that linger in my car until I am ready to discard them, so it is often with our sin.  The Bible teaches us that we are to quickly confess and we will be released. 

If I leave my cups long enough in my car, if somehow they have spilled over; now I have a bigger mess.  I can  no longer just grab my cup and toss it.  NO, now I have to scrub deep into the cup holder because the seepage of my drink has pierced its container and now my cleanup is worse.

Sin can seep into every part of our life if we hold on to it.

The next time you get in your car, look around; any garbage?

Check your heart; what is residing there; has it affected other areas of your life?

Get rid of it; you don't need a drive-thru window to clean your car.

AND  you surely don't have to wait another moment to be free.
Right now we can confess and feel the release come from our God! 

It's in the practical things of life that the spiritual often comes to life.
Let's clean up!  No sooner that I confess my sin, the Lord digs deep leaving no trace of sin if I allow him.


God bless you!~Liz


 Acts 9:32-34 As Peter traveled about the country, he went to visit the Lord’s people who lived in Lydda. There he found a man named Aeneas,...