Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Confessions of the Dress

Isaiah 61:10

I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

I'm so glad that the Lord has saved me and clothed me in His Righteousness.

The Bible says, "all my righteous acts are like filthy rags." (Isaiah 64:6)  I can barely select a dress to wear nevertheless clothe myself in righteousness.

101 Dresses it what my sister called me.  In my shopping adventure for a recent "Gala" event; early on I purchased a dress.  The local store did not have my color so I ordered it on line.  The dress arrived; yes, I finally got the dress.  I'm done. Right?

I'd like to say that was true.  I normally don't wear dresses but felt some pressure to conform to the evening attire requirement; after all this is a Gala and everyone will be at their best! This was a call for ladies in gowns!

This dress "drama" almost consumed me.  It almost became an idol to me. 

Life teaches me lessons and the Holy Spirit speaks to me. 

Toward the end of this dress ordeal; after shopping the whole wide world (www) I ended up returning every dress I purchased.  I purchased a short dress, a long dress; they were black, purple, "A" line, straight line, long sleeves, short sleeves...I mean it was ridiculous!

I'm only confessing this to demonstrate how silly we can be and how something as simple as a dress can consume us to the point of just crazy-dumb!

Along my adventure I discussed this with my husband, my son and especially my sister who had already affirmed that the original dress was perfect.

A few days before the Gala I heard the Spirit of the Lord whisper to  me, "You are attempting for perfection, but you will not attain it".  What??

He reminded me through this crazy adventure that when he died on the cross it was because I was flawed.  Sinned had ravished my life and I was tainted. What?  I only want a dress.

He reminded me that I am always dressed in royalty fashion; wow much better.  He has clothed me in His Righteousness.  His covering keeps me ready for his coming, when the King will arrive to take His Bride home.

YES, that will indeed be an extraordinary celebration.

There is nothing wrong with wanting too look your best, but if it consumes us than we have crossed the line. 

He said I am beautiful from the inside out.  No outside ornament or dress can replace what he has already done.  Glory to God!

So, I embraced my original black dress.

I remembered my original covering from the Lord.

Back  to my senses! 

BTW, the dress was not so bad.  If my husband said it looked good, that's all that mattered!

If my God tells me I am beautiful and made perfect in his sight...that's all that matters! 

I am dressed in His Righteousness!

God bless you!~Liz

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