Who looks in the mirror and forgets what they look like? I am not challenging the perfect Word of God; I am agreeing that no one walks away after looking at themselves and does nothing.
As a woman in her fifties I surely don't walk away without wondering what can I do to improve on the reflection I see. Early in the morning as I wash my face, I engage with every application available to improve the image before me. Coconut oil for the hair, under eye cream for skin improvement, a little color on the roots of the hairline, eat well; perhaps take a few cucumbers from the salad and place them on the eyes. Yep, we all do that!
Here I am taking a few days off on vacation with my husband. This morning as I sit with the
Lord, I am asking him to teach me, show me more from his Word and to help me "do it"!
Here I am taking a few days off on vacation with my husband. This morning as I sit with the
Lord, I am asking him to teach me, show me more from his Word and to help me "do it"!
I meditate on what I am reading and understand that this GREAT BOOK has all I need for this life. It's not just an improvement manual but a revolutionary transformation that leaves the soul refreshed, the mind alert and the heart renewed. It has long lasting benefits with a glorious reward at the end.
Sounds like an "infomercial". It is! Stay tuned, there is more!!
So as I look intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, I will ask the Spirit of God to help me not forget what I have heard and read. I desire the blessing of God so I insist on submitting this flesh to the Creator so that the imperfections will rise.
Every tool has been left for me to alter the image stained by sin. Tame the smallest member of my body, the tongue so that the enemy of my soul can't use it against me. Protect my eye gate; take every thought captive as not to entertain sin. Walk in the way of Righteousness. Smile, laugh and enjoy the ride; a cheerful heart is good medicine.
He is trying to restore his daughter made in his likeness.
The flesh is dying and so we are constantly trying to improve it, but the soul purchased by the Lamb of God is in a state of renewal and perfection as we look to Him. He is the Perfect Transformer!
It's not too late. There is no cost to us. This revolutionary manual can be found almost anywhere. Check out the draw at your hotel, every library has a copy, the local church are giving them away; even your "smartphone" has come on board and at the click of a button this manual is yours!
The price has been paid; it's yours for free! Just call on the name of Jesus and the transformation will begin. Act NOW, as a bonus he sends the Helper to remind us of what we have seen, heard or read. Don't forget the message. He leads us in freedom; the results are the blessings of God! Let the peace and joy of God be yours today! The Holy Spirit is standing by!
God bless you!~Liz