Sunday, May 6, 2018

Show Mercy?

Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful. (Luke 6:36 )

Here we go again, Mercy: not getting what we deserve.

Why is it that when mercy is dispensed we often don't know what to do?

We are so used to getting blamed, ridiculed, chastised and punished that when we experience mercy we are in a state of shock or better said, awe!

The world expects us to pay for our mistakes. The law requires payment.

On Saturday morning I went out to eat breakfast with some of my friends. On my way home I stopped at the supermarket to pick up my groceries. I am almost home and stopped at a red light.

Two cars in front of me was a vehicle just a little past the light signal so that they could not see when the light turned green. Once the light changed I honked a friendly beep to let them know the light changed and it was time to move. As we are all at a full stop the car behind me must have seen the light turn green as well. He doesn't honk but pressed on the gas pedal and you guessed it, KABOOM! I was rear ended, felt quite the impact in my seat.

The world demands retribution!

Sin speaks death over our lives.

The world shouts and says, "look out for Number One"; ourselves!

God arrives and demonstrates Grace and Mercy and turns the world upside down.

I put my car on park and walked around to the rear of my vehicle. The other driver got out as well while the other cars just passed around us.

The driver began to rub his hand over the bumper of my car possibly wondering, "what did I do"? We are now on the side of the road with onlookers passing by.

I watched him, this man was probably afraid and concerned of the retribution.

It took only seconds and I felt myself extending my hand to him. I caught him of guard and he did not know what to do. I re-extended my hand and he shook my hand. I told him, "God bless you" and began to walk away. He did not know what to do. For the first time in those few minutes he began to speak. He said, "thank you, thank you". As I was walking toward my door I could still hear him, "thank you, thank you". He did not explain why he hit me. He did not say it was a mistake or his fault. He embraced mercy!

I drove away with a nail punctured hole on the rear of my vehicle and scratch remnants to prove of the impact.

People expect retribution and punishment.

As a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, I too stood astound, shocked, and in a state of awe that at the cross Jesus would pay for my sins. His hands pierced with nails for my wrongdoing. I deserved punishment but instead he gave me mercy and grace and paid the debt I owed.

Yes, I look to Jesus and say, "thank you, thank you". I am forever grateful and I am reminded to pour out my heart of thanksgiving in worship. Thank you, thank you Lord!

So walking away with a chipped bumper is not that big of a deal. All I have belongs to Jesus. It's Jesus' car that was hit and he said walk away and bless him with mercy. Mercy is what I gave because mercy is what I received.

God bless you!~Liz

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