The simplicity of the Gospel. This Sunday on my way home from church my 9 year old niece, Meyli began to tell me what she learned in Sunday school. She told me the story of Saul who became Paul after God stopped him with a loud noise; spoke to him and asked him, "what are you doing?"
She continued to tell me that Saul was killing Christians and after Jesus spoke to him he became blind. He had to go to Ananias so that he could be "fixed." Love it!
I listened intently as she continued. She said, "then Saul got a new name. His name is Paul. Now he loves God and tells everyone about Jesus." Then she said, "I love God too!"
I took the opportunity to talk about the Lord. I asked her if she wanted to know God too. I told her Jesus loved her and very simply explained that he "fixes" us when we are in trouble too. This was no long drawn-out theological explanation or sermon, just the simplicity of our need for Jesus and his love for us.
I asked her if she wanted to pray and ask Jesus to come inside her heart just like Paul. She said, "yes!" I told her that it was important that she prayed because it was her request to Jesus. I said, "prayer is just talking to God."
She said something like this, "Jesus I love you and I want you to live in my heart. Thank you for listening to me. Help me learn about you. Help me do well in school. Amen." I said, "amen".
I told her to remember this day, Sept. 30th. Jesus has heard you. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. You belong to Jesus. Afterwards, she said that she wanted to speak to her little sister, so she could know Jesus too. My little evangelist!
It's simple. Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so! I'm broken and he can fix me!
I'm in the process of mailing her a children's Bible.
A shout out to the Orange County Gospel Fellowship Children's Ministry, "YOU ROCK!" Thank you Brigid Callahan for sharing the simplicity of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Interestingly, I gave my life to the Lord when my Niece, her mother was born almost 30 years ago. This Sunday I had the privilege of praying with her daughter to do the same. Isn't God Marvelous!
God bless you!~Liz