Tuesday, October 1, 2019

In Everything Give Thanks

Oh, what a glorious day! What does it mean to give thanks to God in everything? This Sunday after great worship service, we went into what I would call an overflow time of worship, and it was beautiful.

One of my team members was leading worship and I went up to the platform to worship with her. Shortly after that others joined us and it became a glorious symphony of worship unto the Lord .

After about an hour I went to step down from the platform and in a blink of an eye I slipped and  flew two feet off the platform on to the sanctuary floor. It was like a slow motion dive except that there was no water.

Well to make a dramatic story short I was rushed to the hospital and they concluded that I shattered my elbow.

I want to go backwards instead of focusing on the ambulance trip and what happens to the flesh when it goes into trauma. 

As we waited for the emergency personnel, I was surrounded by the church’s nursing team, my son and slew of others. “Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5)

Do you know that nothing can happen to a child of God without God knowing about it? (John 15)
You see not only am I in him he's in me and nothing can happen to me without God almighty giving an "OK."  Scripture says that he knitted me together in my mother's womb and he knows all things, the end from the beginning. So, this fall may have taken me by surprise, but it did not surprise my Father in heaven.

So, as I waited for the EMTs to arrive I continued to worship the Lord, battle in the spirit and praise him with all my soul.

I’m not saying that I'm some superwoman and should receive accolades of how strong I am. I've had my moments of tears.  I’ve re-lived the moment several times in my head. But I will not blame God,  instead I will thank him for preserving the rest of my body from injury. It could have been worse. This mouth, this tongue, this soul will magnify the Lord.

I write to you today to ask you to pray and intercede on my behalf. We are called to bear each other's burdens and to petition the Father in glory for one another. I covet your prayers and will update you and testify of all that God is doing and will do. To God be the glory.

God Bless You!~Liz

Did you hear me, God?

In this story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, I’m pleased with what God reminded me again today regarding prayer. Zechariah a priest was se...