Monday, January 25, 2016

Outstreched Arm | Do not Cross

“So the Lord brought us out of Egypt with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, with great terror and with signs and wonders.” (Deuteronomy 26:8)

I love the language used in the Scriptures that describes how God delivered his people. It reads, “with a mighty had and an outstretched arm” he fought for them.

I get a visual of arms being used almost as a border, like a police yellow line that declares to all around, “do not cross”. Who would dare fight the Mighty Hand of God?

This is the God who fought for Israel in the days of old. He is the same God who fights for all who have bowed the knee to him and have declared you are my God! For every heart that has been transformed by the Son; for every ear that has heard the message of the Gospel and responded, this is the same God that goes forth on our behalf.

When I need help, I call on the Name of the Lord. He is the One that rescues me when it seems like defeat is imminent. Let my heart be right, and he is my defense.

He is described as having a mighty hand of strength and arms stretched out. I imagine my God bending down to me and stretching his arms almost to encompass all that I am; he says, “she is mine, my beloved.” (Song of Songs 6:3); an announcement to every demon in hell; she is mine!

“Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch out Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, And Your right hand will save me.” (Psalm 138:7)

The truth is that God is always on his Throne. He is forever worshipped, the Judge and King.

It’s an “invisible” army that eyes can’t see, but is fighting for us. 

I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.

He will not let your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep.

The Lord watches over you—the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.

The Lord will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.
Psalm 121

He fights for us when we are in obedience. 

I’ve also read how in His mercy and love for us, he will allow discipline with that same “mighty hand and outstretched arm.” Let’s be careful to obey and honor this loving God; who has loved and demonstrated his heart by fighting against death itself and winning!

”When you were dead in your sins and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, God made you alive with Christ. He forgave us all our sins, having canceled the charge of our legal indebtedness, which stood against us and condemned us; he has taken it away, nailing it to the cross. And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.” (Colossians 2:13-15)

He is my Judge and my King! The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles.” (Psalm 34:17)

God bless you!~Liz


 Acts 9:32-34 As Peter traveled about the country, he went to visit the Lord’s people who lived in Lydda. There he found a man named Aeneas,...