Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Carousel of Life

Psalm 16:11
You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.

Ever feel like an outsider?  I don't necessarily mean lonely but more like wandering if your life is making an impact in this carousel of life; feeling like a stranger in a foreign land.

Often we're surrounded by people, perhaps at a family gathering, maybe at our job or whatever place we find ourselves and yet there is a sense of separation.

We wonder what kind of impact our life is making. 

God has built us to love people; I love to talk and engage people, interact and enjoy life together.

But there are parts of my life that create a PUSH for me.  
Certain environments and situations create distances that can almost be measured; space that separates, and there is not much I can do about it.

I embrace this with a sense of sadness.  
This PUSH has caused me to "Pray Until Something Happens."

Today on my lunch hour I went to a restaurant I often visit.  
I had not been there in about 4 weeks and when I arrived two different waitresses came to me and said "where have you been?"  They mentioned, "we were just talking about you today; we haven't seen you in a while." 

I'm thinking to myself, you missed me?

My usual waitress had inquired about me and the other two waitress delivered the message to me. 

I know it was the Lord making sure I knew he hears me.

Why tell you this trivial personal story?

Sometimes we whisper prayers to the Lord and then forget what we've asked him.  
We might even get used to the "everyday round and round we go"; no specific direction.

Within the last 48 hours the Lord has made it clear to me that he hears my prayers.  
He allowed me to meet a believer that encouraged my heart and my very own waitress at the place where I dine said she missed me.

I'm not insignificant, but created with a purpose!  Sometimes it feels like I'm not making any progress but today the "merry-go-round" stopped so I can see that life is exciting.  Like an amusement park, there are other exciting thrill rides all around me.

There is a lot of great stuff out there!

Time for thrills and times to just relax in the "lazy pool experience." 

But get ready!! 

The ride that brings the most thrills, takes us upside down, then right side up, down, up, even twists that leave us disoriented; might even make me "give up my lunch".  But when it's all done we jump off and exclaim, "wow, that was great!"  We'd do it again and often do.  This is Life and it is good!

The Holy Spirit is with us, often sending messages through everyday folk.  Are we listening? 

Let's stay encouraged.

I might seem small and insignificant to some but in the eyes of my Father I was worth dying for. 

Jesus the Son of God was betrayed, felt isolated had no place to sleep.  He was wrongly accused, mistreated, spit on, crucified and died. 

The Bible tells me through it all he thought of me and then was resurrected, left this Earth to sit at the right hand of the Father.  He became my Intercessor pleading my cause before the Father. He sent the promise, the Holy Spirit to be with me in this world.

Prayer changes us, changes lives, and allows me to see the Hand of Almighty intertwined in my life.

I'm ready Lord! Let's go!

God bless you!~Liz

Did you hear me, God?

In this story of Zechariah and Elizabeth, I’m pleased with what God reminded me again today regarding prayer. Zechariah a priest was se...