Tuesday, July 12, 2016


"A righteous man has regard for the life of his animal, But even the compassion of the wicked is cruel." Proverbs 12:10

Today is one of those days where my physical body is a mess. I’m swollen, achy, blood sugars through the ceiling. Therefore my emotions are a little on edge. A warning to all :)

My phone reminded me today that five years ago I lost my kitty cat Bunny. She lived with me for 22 years.
Yes, I’m one of those who remember these kind of dates.

So, I flip through my digital photo library and of course I break out in a sob at the remembrance of the last week she was with me.

My emotional sentiments triggered other memories.

I probably have written this before –I HATE death!

Death, an event that rips hearts, devastates families, causes us to second guess our existence –shall I continue?

I HATE death!

I think of my family members that I have lost.  Life goes by pretty quickly.

I HATE death!

Jesus too hates death. So much so that he was willing to bring an end to the separation between me and the Father.

Who will go? Who will rescue those that I have made in my image? Who will humble themselves? Who?

I wonder if all creation stopped until the answer came.

Was God asking for a volunteer? Who is worthy?

Wait, why does anyone have to go?

I HATE death!

Death already had entered the Garden.

Death already had disrupted the relationship between God Almighty and me.

I imagine myself watching. God spoke and all creation is amazed. He will go. He will send his only begotten Son Jesus to walk among men.

I HATE death.

Jesus died on a cross to restore LIFE to those who had died to sin.

In the midst of my emotional recollections today, I also remember the joy I experienced when I heard my mom say yes to Jesus! I heard the same echo from my father-in-law Avelino, my cousin Hector, my cousin Jason, my uncle Chiro, my uncle Victor! Hallelujah!


The gift of eternal life is available to ALL! Where do you stand with Jesus? Have you received the free gift of eternal life? Have you repented of your sins? Have you?

I HATE death! But I LOVE LIFE!

I want the whole world to know, Jesus SAVES! He rescues us from darkness and brings us near to him.

For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly.  For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die.  But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:6-8

Wow, ok. Maybe my pen was taken over by my emotions. I warned you. :) Well so be it, Amen!!

A righteous man has regard for his animal; I love my Bunny.

Cats don’t need a savior, but people do.

A Righteous Man loved me! He died that I would have eternal life. I love what Jesus has done for me! Yes, I won’t second guess my existence. I’ve been redeemed. I’ve been made to worship the Lord on High!

Interested in knowing more about Jesus? Write me.

Already know Jesus—forward to a friend!

I worship the Lord weekly at the Orange County Gospel Fellowship! Stop by and visit. www.orangecountyfellowship.org

God bless you~Liz

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