CLEAR! The language used when you see someone go flat-line. The heart is in trouble!
Learn the unforced rhythms of grace” is how Matthew 11 (MSG) reads.
God is gentle. I’ve written about this before, but the subject is not exhausted. I’m still learning!
The heart is racing. Thoughts are challenging me. The day is filled with request and I just got up. Sound familiar?
How do I get away? How do I make my soul be still? How do I please God? Will he receive my cry for forgiveness? Will he be angry with me?
The heart is racing. Thoughts are challenging me. The day is filled with request and I just got up. Sound familiar?
How do I get away? How do I make my soul be still? How do I please God? Will he receive my cry for forgiveness? Will he be angry with me?
Lord is that really you? How do I know your will for me? Is my unrest due to sin? Did I miss you when you spoke?
Show me Lord; show me your ways.
The valley is a place of reflection. It can be a place of anguish. Looking for answers that allude us. I can go no further downward. My eyes must look up, look to the hills where my help comes from, but it seems so far away.
Show me Lord; show me your ways.
The valley is a place of reflection. It can be a place of anguish. Looking for answers that allude us. I can go no further downward. My eyes must look up, look to the hills where my help comes from, but it seems so far away.
A people created in the image of God at times want to be their own god.
Submission to a God who has established order, guidelines and a way to commune with him is tainted by our own fallen way of thinking.
We are people whose very bloodline is infused with sin and we think that we know how to do this thing called “life”.
He made the day and he made the night. He made us for his good pleasure and we try to find our own.
There is a spiritual pace, a rhythm that he has established. We find that REST when we surrender our way.
He made the day and he made the night. He made us for his good pleasure and we try to find our own.
There is a spiritual pace, a rhythm that he has established. We find that REST when we surrender our way.
My very flesh will fight the TRUTH and at time will choose differently.
We learn that if PEACE and STILLNESS is what we want, we must surrender.
This is a daily quest to find the LORD in the midst of all the noise.
The Peace that God offers is often interrupted by the cares of this world. It causes my heart, literally to race. It invites stress, confusion, chaos and an unrest that is destructive.
My thoughts race for an answer as if I can come up with one all alone.
The Word of God sits calling to me but I find excuses not to engage.
We know that we must get away with the Lord but we struggle to even find the time.
Sit with me and worship; change your environment, your focus.
My heart yearns for HIM.
REST is not a perpetual state of being. It gets interrupted often.
We must fight for our REST just like Jesus did.
"After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray.” (Matthew 14:23)
My understanding is that a defibrillator “resets” the heart to its natural rhythm.
Lord reset my heart both physically and spiritually to the unforced rhythm of your GRACE!
My heart yearns for HIM.
REST is not a perpetual state of being. It gets interrupted often.
We must fight for our REST just like Jesus did.
"After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray.” (Matthew 14:23)
My understanding is that a defibrillator “resets” the heart to its natural rhythm.
Lord reset my heart both physically and spiritually to the unforced rhythm of your GRACE!
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” (Matthew 11:28-30) MSG
God bless you!~Liz