(Jeremiah 33:3 )
I left it and I did not die! No, I’m not referring to an oxygen tank. Blood continues to flow through my veins. I feel pretty good right now.
So what is so important that can cause someone to turn around and go searching? Well, I chose not too!
Yesterday I was driving home and decided to make a phone call and you guessed it, my phone was nowhere to be found. I did not panic because the Lord reminded me that I left it on my friend’s kitchen table after an earlier visit.
Honestly, normally I would turn around and pick up my cellphone. But, I felt a nudge from the Lord to leave it behind.
Growing up in the Bronx it was typical for a young girl like myself to carry a couple of dimes with me. Why?
Walk the streets of the city and you will find Superman’s closet. Ok, a phone booth (couldn’t resist). That was my means of communication.
If I got lost, well I better ask the stranger at the gas station for directions and hope he knows the location better that I or I will be stopping and repeating the process all over again!
Phones have become such a security blanket. I can call my husband in the middle of the day just to say hello or to check if he is ok.
When I’m driving, a map App will quickly give me directions; I don’t need to speak with anyone. How sad.
I can be in the pouring rain and speak “OK Google” and it will answer me quickly. It will play me a song to sooth my driving time, dial a number for me or update me on the weather. Oh, how silly, I forget, it’s obviously raining!
I wondered if people prayed more in the days when technology was scarces.
What did we do?
We enjoyed more times of fellowship. Neighbors having coffee at the kitchen table. The simple things of life.
I remember as a young girl looking down Willow’s Avenue, a 5-block stretch in the Bronx to look for my dad. My dad would take the train to NYC and would arrive home at approximately 6 p.m.
No phone to contact him unless I wanted to run to the local candy store where the one phone booth existed. Yes, and take my dime.
There was an anticipation to see his face.
We watched and waited. From a distance, I could see my father walking closer and closer to where I was. Ultimately, he would cross the street and I would greet him. He always had the newspaper, The Daily News. A kiss hello and I would ask for God’s blessings "bendicion" to which he would reply “Dios te bendiga”. (“God bless you”)
This morning I could not call my husband. The luxury of my own piece of technology that can connect me to anyone or anything is out of my hands.
I can’t really say I missed it much.
My heart was at peace.
“Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” (Jeremiah 33:3)
A time of worship was interrupted with times of intercessory prayer. Wow, to experience His Presence!
Sometimes technology can rob us of the simple.
Technology is a gift. It does not replace the LORD. Sometimes we spend more time with the gift than we do with God or His Word. Ouch!
I’m glad I did not return to pick it up my phone.
Confession: Because I did not have my phone I decided to see if I could make a call with my computer since my phone was absent. I clicked the microphone and said the words, “OK Google”. I began to laugh histerically when my computer answered, “Google is okay, but this is Cortana”. Life is funny! Back to prayer.
(FYI, Cortana is the equivalent of Google for Windows)
God bless you!~Liz