Monday, August 20, 2018

Go Deeper!

Go Deeper
“And he, stooping down and looking in, saw the linen cloths lying there; yet he did not go in.”
(John 20:5)

This is the account of the disciple that arrived at the tomb to confirm the story Mary Magdalene was sharing. His eagerness to decipher the story Mary was telling caused him to run fast. He arrived, His eyes saw and then he stopped. Why didn’t he go in?

As a student of the Word of God I know that I just can’t read the Word, close the Bible and walk away. The Lord wants to open my eyes and cause my ears to hear more than what my physical body is telling me through my senses.

Peter arrives at the tomb and he looks, but then, “went into the tomb; and he saw the linen cloths lying there, and the handkerchief that had been around His head, not lying with the linen cloths, but folded together in a place by itself.”

God requires us to go closer and to discover a deeper revelation. Peter walked into the tomb. He did not know all that was happening, but his desire was to go deeper.

It’s the gift within the box, that’s within a box, within another box. The discovery of the precious stone in the tiny box is the giver’s treasure to his bride to be. She always knew that he loved her but her small quest discovered the treasure that revealed his heart in a profound way. “Will you be mine?”

The details are overlooked if we only look on the surface. The revelation of God is there for the asking. Ask the Lord to show you his heart and we’ll discover that the Good News is for the Jew and Gentile. We’ll discover that the gift of eternal life is the result of the One man’s obedience to go to the cross.

The thief on the cross choose not to heckle Jesus but to listen carefully to the words being spoken. His heart was drawn to Jesus and discovered that eternal life was his, “today you will be with me in paradise.”

Wisdom comes from God. (Proverbs 2:6)

The fruit of the Spirit is given and developed through God. The struggles of life can produce patience as we go deeper into the Word. Love can be discovered as we love the “unloveable”, those we think don’t deserve our love. We discover God’s faithfulness when in the midst of trials, we continue to call on his name day and night. We learn not only God’s faithfulness but also that the Lord has been teaching us to remain faithful in him!

So, don’t just bend down and look into the tomb where dead things lie. Walk in and discover that the One who was raised from the dead is still resurrecting life all around us. He is no longer there! Let’s go deeper! Open the box that’s in the box, that’s in the box and discover the Love of the Bridegroom. The treasure is you!

God Bless You!~Liz

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