I just finished cleaning out last year's bill folder. Yes, I keep a weekly budget so I can appropriate monies to upcoming bills and daily living expenses.
I know that God is the provider of all things therefore I take nothing for granted. Every week after the bills are paid I write a manual handwritten note of thanksgiving to the Lord. That may seem silly to some but its a heart of thanksgiving that prompts my heart to say, "Thank you Lord!". I've done this for years.
Today, I begin with a new fresh crisp folder. I insert all my bills on the right side pocket. I have a calendar that lists weekly expenses from mortgage payment, grocery shopping, tithing and other expenses.
I began the transfer of invoices. I also took the time to remove the calendar that held my 2018 budget. As I began to discard last year's calendar it was an opportunity for spontaneous worship!
Week after week I saw how the Lord provided for my family. I've been out on disability for almost two years. Once again God has provided for me leaving my heart is a position of worship because He has never failed to leave me in awe as he provides for my family and I.
Over and over again I can testify of how "My help has come from the Lord." He indeed is a Good Father.
The beginning of the new year is always a time of reflection. Let's pause today and reflect on what the Lord has done. It's not a monetary calculation that signifies God's blessing. But look deep. We are breathing today, filled with life. Stare at the beautiful faces of your children or perhaps nephew and nieces or a new life on the horizon; new born babies that speak of God's blessing.
Think about that one time you were desperately crying out to God; how he answered you. Remember that his ways are higher than ours. His answers at times can be disguised as "unanswered" prayers. But, look again.
Often a cloud seems like it will ruin a good hot sunny day. The cloud is followed by showers that refresh us leaving even a scent of sweet rain to remind us of the blessings he sends. The sun will indeed come out tomorrow.
Today is a new day! Everything belongs to the Lord including "the cattle on a thousand hills." (Psalm 50:10) What are you in need of today? Need a way of escape? Ask him, believing he is not only able but willing.
"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (Hebrews 11:6)
Shower us with your peace and joy! We need your rain.
God bless you!~Liz