Friday, June 7, 2019

Out of the Darkness

Going about 70 miles an hour on the highway last night I heard a faint buzzing sound in the distance.

At first, I second guessed what I heard. But I have keen hearing.

My body went into fight and flight mode. In my head something was in my car that I could not see it. The heartbeat in my chest now competing with the buzzing sound.

What do I do? I am in the dark without any idea where this sound is coming from. Worst yet, what its coming from!

What if this noise maker flies into my face? What if it gets tangled in my hair? What if, what if!

I know the statistics about people losing their lives over an insect flying into their vehicle.

I called on the Lord, “Lord, help me!” I began to talk to myself. Liz, calm down!

I rolled down all my windows and opened the sunroof. It was like a tornado in my car.

Its dark outside and I dare not pull to the side on the highway. That would have been more dangerous.

I began to take deep breaths and command my body not to panic.

Suddenly, the insect flew toward me, or perhaps this wind pulled it into the vortex I had created by the 70 mile per hour winds now in my car.

My peripheral vision and my skin alerted me that this bug had landed on my arm.

I began to swat like my life depended on it. It did!!

I know I hit it, but it came at me again. The devil is a liar!! I swatted again and again never taking my eyes of the road. I was determined to eliminate this threat that came at me in the dark.

Isn’t that just like the lives we live? We are minding our own business and out of the darkness here comes the enemy to cause chaos. We have choices. We either ignore it at the risk of getting stung by its poison. Or we call on the Name of the Lord and cry, “Lord, help me!”

Like a sheep in trouble, my cry gets the attention of the Shephard. “I will fear no evil for you are with me.” (Psalm 23:4)

The Book of Ephesians encourages the believer to “put on the armor of God.”

In the day of trouble. the Lord will instruct us what to do in that hour. Victory has already been won at the cross. These light and momentary troubles are but buzzing noise from the enemy.

I will call on my Father who has a Mighty hand!

Well, last night in the darkness as I battled, my weapon of choice was my arthritic afflicted hand. This flying creature had no chance of surviving!

Thank you, Lord for another victory and allowing me to get home safely.

Be prepared because out of the darkness trouble rises up. But my God is bigger!

“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you.” Luke 10:19

That includes flying insects in my car!

God bless you!~Liz

Did you hear me, God?

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