Sunday, January 3, 2021

Planning On Building Any Towers?

If you have been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, then I trust you are leaning toward Psalm 37:23, “the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord”, amen? “

The beginning of a new year is always so invigorating! It's a clean slate; a life canvas waiting to be painted. So, who is the artist?

Coming out of the Ark as generations passed, the people forgot what God had delivered them from. Genesis 11 reads that the people gathered, counseled each other, and decided to erect a tower.

They counseled each other?

Why wasn't God invited to their building project plans? If the architect of the Ark kept the remnant safe as God's wrath was poured out on mankind, could he not erect a tower?

Oh, the heart of humans. Sin is so ugly and sometimes we don't see it.

Like eyes accustomed to the dark, we don't want to look toward the light. “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5)

God's mercy is massive!

As stones were brought forth to begin their project, heads began to shake. Like a bobblehead on the rear window of your car. “Nope, that won’t work.”

They didn't want to use material that God created. Scripture says they baked bricks. They wanted their own hands to construct.

It's the idol of “I”.

As 2021 is unveiled before us what are the plans?

Is there something we want to build? Perhaps there are new roads we want to travel, literally some earth exploration. A new job? A new relationship? Invest in your marriage? Parent those little ones and cause their little hearts to bend toward God. Ministry? Reconciliation perhaps?

What about the thankless list of chores that we do daily? Can we get rid of them? They can be exhausting.

I read a statement today that said do the dishes as if Christ himself was going to eat out of them. Clean the snow covered walk as if his feet were about to walk on it. Wow, I think I just got some energy!

Now that's a perspective!

The generations that came after Noah, gathered together and excluded God from their plans.

Now that's funny! To quote the serial box, “silly rabbit trix are for kids.”

The rabbit may have been silly, but he actually wanted what belong to the children. What is the enemy trying to take away that belongs to you?

We must include God in our ideas. “Acknowledge him in all our ways.” (Proverbs 3)

We must remember the enemy comes to steel, kill, and destroy. (John 10)

Therefore, the place where we make plans must have the Board of Directors present. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will give us direction. They are the governing body that oversee our every breath.

Let’s not let the enemy pull the wool over our eyes.

They wanted to build something designed by their own hands. There is nothing wrong with creativity. Actually, a creative spirit is a gift from God. His character impressed into us. But when the clay wants to jump off the wheel there is something wrong! It’s the clay telling the Potter what to do.

Lord as the year begins, you who know the end from the beginning, I surrender to you. Lead, guide and illuminate my path. This daughter bends toward her creator. Build and erect your plans for me according to your good pleasure. Amen.

So, what are the plans for 2021?

God bless you!~Liz


 Acts 9:32-34 As Peter traveled about the country, he went to visit the Lord’s people who lived in Lydda. There he found a man named Aeneas,...